3 of our best tips for helping your child look forward to dental visits

Superior Dental • Aug 22, 2022

It’s no big news that many adults have a fear of dental treatment. In fact, it’s 36% of people in the United States according to this article from the Cleveland Clinic. The majority of those with fear are women. And…it’s usually the moms bringing the kiddos for the dental checkups. 

Another fact is this: kids smell our fear. Well, ok, maybe they don’t actually smell it, but they know…they can feel it. You can put off a vibe of your own dental anxiety and the next thing you know, your kid has their own fear of the dentist. And we understand. Dentistry was quite different for a lot of us growing up. 

But things have changed! Good experiences with smiling and laughing can be had by all! You can avoid passing on your nervousness and let your child have their own experience, free of worry and dread.

Here are our three best tips for helping your child look forward to dental visits.

Bring your child to your own dental visit

This is big. Kids look to us parents for cues on safe environments and situations. You can read more about that here: https://childmind.org/article/how-to-avoid-passing-anxiety-on-to-your-kids/

It will set your child’s mind at ease when they see you smiling and talking with the hygienist. And even more so when you greet the dentist and he’s wearing a friendly smile. Seeing these things happen will help your child understand that these people aren’t strangers. They are the doctors and healthcare professionals that help take care of us!

Having your child witness your dental exam also lets them see some things they’ve never seen before that might seem scary at first: the big chair, the different pieces of equipment like the x-ray camera, and more. They get the idea that it’s totally ok to lay back, open wide, and let someone look in your mouth. Just like the medical doctor listens to your heart, or looks at your throat or up your nose, the dentist and hygienist are just other professionals helping you feel your best.

Ask us about a “happy visit”

This is what we commonly call a visit where the child isn’t really getting all of the routine treatment, but instead just feeling things out. We let them get in the chair, touch some of the equipment like the air and water syringe or the suction. And any other activities that might seem fun to your child. It gives them the opportunity to get an idea of what’s going on here at the office from their own perspective.

We do not push anything at this “happy visit”. We might ask them to open wide so we can see in their mouth. Or show them the dental mirror and how we use it to see all of their teeth. But instead of trying to do everything we would do in a regular visit, we make a fun time out of showing them what we do. That’s it! And most of the time, the next time they come in, they are excited to see all of the cool stuff they remember being shown before.

Talk about it!

Kids do so much better when they know what’s going on. When they feel like we’ve “let them in on” something, they understand we’re not keeping secrets from them. 

You could tell them things like:

  • What a dental office looks like inside
  • The dental chairs move up and down and back, which is kind of fun, so they can see in your mouth easily
  • Being still while you’re getting your teeth cleaned helps them go faster!
  • Your teeth will be really clean and shiny

Another good way to discuss it is with a great book. There are lots of awesome children’s books about dental visits. Check out this website for some suggestions or ask at your local library or book store.

Bonus Tip: Bribe them!

Just kidding!...kind of. What we mean is strike up a deal with them for a reward or treat for good behavior and being brave. A trip to the ice cream shop on your way home is completely acceptable for being a good dental patient :)

It’s our goal at Superior Dental to raise up a generation of people that don’t feel the need to say “I hate the dentist” or to stay away from our office out of fear. The feeling of a safe environment and a happy experience is what your child deserves. And in the end, will promote a healthy relationship with their dentist well into adulthood.

Did you know? The state of Georgia requires a dental exam for kids beginning school, either with Pre-K or Kindergarten. If your child needs an exam for school, we’d be happy to help! Give us a call today to schedule.

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