Yummy healthy snacks that will benefit your body and your smile

Superior Dental • Sep 27, 2022

We’re all guilty of grabbing an Oreo cookie or a bag of chips for a snack. But we know without much research on Google that these snacks do not benefit our bodies, and they’re terrible for our teeth too.

So let’s see how we can trade up! Changing just one or two of our go-to snacks for a healthier alternative will be a boost to an allover better body and smile.

When you’re craving something crunchy

There’s just nothing quite like a bag of Doritos or some cheese puffs to satisfy that need for a crunch, right?! But what happens after that kind of snack? We feel a little sluggish and…it’s all stuck in our teeth. Ew!! 

The starches in those kinds of snacks turn into sugar. And we already know that’s not very good for us.

So try just once a day to start, try trading chips for carrots, celery, or even an apple. Raw veggies and fruits help
remove plaque from your teeth while satisfying the desire to crunch for a few minutes. They’re like nature’s toothbrushes! It also promotes saliva flow which balances the pH in your mouth. This is how your body fights tooth decay.

When you’re craving something sweet

The first thing that probably comes to your mind is fruit. And, yes! Fruits are great for your teeth as we just mentioned. But there are a couple of other alternatives to cookies and cake.

When you’re craving something sweet, but are willing to choose a healthier alternative, try these:

  • Chewing gum~ Sugarless gum can offer you the satisfaction of a sweet treat after a meal or when you just feel that “sweet tooth” going cray cray! Gum promotes saliva flow, removes plaque from previous meals, and there’s an added bonus to gum containing Xylitol. You can read more about the effects and benefits of xylitol here.
  • Brush your teeth~ Studies show that brushing your teeth within fifteen minutes of finishing your meal will greatly reduce your desire to grab something sweet for dessert. It works best with a strong toothpaste, like something with an intense mint flavor. It’s also said that because your teeth feel clean and your mouth feels fresh, it gives you a rewarding feeling beyond what you would get from a piece of cake! Now that’s a pretty “sweet” deal. (Don’t you just love a good pun, mid-blog?!) https://media.giphy.com/media/YovEFrZNGMkF2/giphy.gif

When you’re craving a soft drink

Mmmm…that bubbly, sweet, sugary, goodness…or so our taste buds tell our brain. But soft drinks are the absolute worst for our bodies and our teeth! They have way too much sugar, they’re acidic which deteriorates the enamel on our teeth, and they’re super addictive too.

Now, all that said, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a soft drink at lunch with friends. But as the main beverage of your daily routine, it can be very destructive. Even diet sodas are so acidic, and the aspartame causes a lot of inflammation throughout your body.

Of course, it takes some practice and making a deliberate choice to give up a Dr. Pepper habit. I mean, they’re pretty delicious. But when you really want a better, stronger body, it’s worth it to make a trade for something healthier.

So—check this out—next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up some sparkling water and a favorite juice. Pineapple or orange juice are really great and have added health benefits. Then when you’re craving that good ol’ fizz, pour a glass of that sparkling water and add a splash of juice for sweetness. You’ll be surprised at how refreshing it is! And it leaves you feeling less sluggish than a Coke does. 

Other alternatives to a soft drink could be:

  • Flavored water—sugar-free electrolyte powders are yummy and better for you than pre-bottled sports drinks
  • Lemon water—or any other natural fruit flavoring you like! You can use lime, orange, or even strawberries to give a little flavor to a plain glass of H2O.

Canned sparkling water—this is great for those of us that really enjoy that cold can feeling. Spindrift makes all kinds of flavored sparkling water that you can buy in cans for the feel of a soda in your hand and the bubbly feel on your taste buds!

When you’re making healthier snack choices

Don’t feel the need to do everything all at once. Make one alternative choice a day and let the rewarding feeling motivate the next one. You win the game one pass at a time, right? (It’s football season, we couldn’t resist this analogy.) Before you know it, you’ll be making healthier snack choices that make your body feel great and have you smiling for more reasons than one!

Call us today for an appointment with Dr. Cannon to talk more about dental health (and football too, if you want!)

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