Three easy ways to create good habits that make you feel better fast

Superior Dental • Sep 15, 2022

Why wait for a new year when we have a new season around the corner?! Fall into good habits now with these easy tips.

Being healthier means feeling better. And we all want to be better. The trouble is that we just get stuck in our old ways and habits. Before we know it we’re on autopilot while we tell ourselves that we need to think, act, and be healthier.

The advantage we have is that good habits can replace bad habits. And all it takes is a simple shift. Like a new season! A new season is like a new week or a new year. It feels to us like a turning point. Or a clean slate. Oh, how we love a clean slate to begin something new!

In this
article by Rachel Trotta, a certified personal trainer and women’s fitness specialist, she says “Picking a goal can give meaning to a season, and lend even more momentum and excitement to a clean slate.”

With a goal in mind, you are much more likely to stick to your changes in habit. It gives them purpose instead of just sounding like a bunch of new rules or things you can’t have or do anymore. Nobody likes the sound of that!

Determine your goal and use these three easy tips to help you trade up some of your not-so-great habits for some feel-so-good ones.

Tip #1: Swap it out—Healthy Food Options

We all have that one dish that is not healthy in any way that we feel like we could eat every day and never get tired of it. For some it’s chips and salsa followed by a few tacos. For others it’s a pizza, and maybe an extra slice. 

Of course, it’s okay to have those things in moderation. But when you’re looking to make choices toward eating healthier, try swapping out your favorite dish for something that tastes the same or has the same flavoring.

For example if you love a nice, hot pizza slice, covered in extra cheese with all your favorite toppings and you like to dip the crust in garlic butter…(yum!) try finding a recipe that you can make yourself, with fresh ingredients, that have all the seasonings of pizza. But cut down the cheese and bread part, and load up on more veggies. 

You’ll still satisfy the craving while cutting down on a lot of the extra fat, calories, and carbs that you’re trying to avoid.

This can even be done with your desserts and sweets! When you feel the urge to reach for a treat, pop in a piece of chewing gum. Studies show that although chewing gum doesn’t really help you actually lose weight, it does help curb the cravings for something sweet. A zero sugar, low calorie substitute that fits in your pocket!

*Bonus:  Chewing gum after a meal also increases your saliva flow and that’s great for preventing tooth decay. You can read more about that on

Tip #2: Make it Easy—Get exercise on your way

The thing that usually keeps us from sticking with a new exercise habit is that it doesn’t seem convenient. Then we get really great at making excuses or thinking of reasons why we can’t get that workout in today. 

The gym isn’t on the way home and you have dinner plans. Your dumbbells are in the garage and you’d have to move some toys to make room to lift weights. Your gym clothes are in your gym bag in the trunk of your car. See? …I could go on.

But—if you “make it easy” to exercise, you’re much more likely to follow through. If your gym is on the way home instead of a few miles in the opposite direction, or if your exercise clothes and shoes are sitting out ready to wear…well then the decision just got a little easier, right?!

Studies have been done about how “friction” make or break your success in creating new habits in the long run. By removing the friction (the thing that convinces you to change your mind about following through on your new habit) you are literally creating success. If you
make it easy, you’ll do it.

Tip #3: Make it Count—Enjoy your dental routine

So brushing your teeth isn’t on your list of favorite things to do each day? Really?! But it feels so good!!

We get it. And it’s normal. A lot of people not only forget to brush and floss, but some have a really hard time with it. It makes them gag (which is no fun, especially first thing in the morning). They don’t like the taste of toothpaste. Or maybe it’s a little lingering trauma from childhood remembering the “BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!!!” being yelled from downstairs by your mom or dad.

But you can change your thoughts about brushing your teeth with just a few tips:

  1. Splurge on a toothpaste that you can enjoy~ If your toothpaste tastes terrible, change it! There are SO many options to choose from. You’re much more likely to engage and enjoy your two minutes of brushing twice a day if you like the taste of your toothpaste.
  2. Turn on a song~ We know you have your phone somewhere nearby…so cue up Spotify or AppleMusic and get in the groove! This will also help you get your two minutes in. Most of the time we only brush for about 30 seconds unless we set a timer, and that is not long enough. Bonus tip here is if you’re humming along, you won’t gag! You can’t physically make and sound with your vocal chords and gag at the same time.  Didn’t know you had that feature, did you?!
  3. Enjoy the feeling~ When it’s time to brush your teeth, pause for a moment and feel them first. Run your tongue over your teeth, catch a whiff of your breath. Now brush. (Two minutes, remember?!) Nowwww feel them…WOW! The way they feel smoother to your tongue feels great. And your breath? So much better! Don’t you love that?! When you take a moment to enjoy when somethings feels better or just plain good, you’re going to look forward to that feeling again. Much like how great you feel after a good run, or some other for of exercise.

Try taking on just one of these tips. Then let the momentum build! Before you know it, you’ll be creating new and better habits just for the fun of it!

We have more great tips to help you with your dental care and routine. Call today for an appointment with Dr. Cannon!

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